
CEMS MIM aims at training future managers who value global citizenship and unity of diversity. In that respect it has diversified curricula that enable students to learn more about the field in which they are interested. We present students a wide range of elective courses ranging from Innovation Management to International Negotiations.

CEMS offers two must courses: Global Strategy: Responsible Citizenship and Global Management Practice: Cross Cultural Management. Accordingly, the 12-month CEMS MIM Program Structure is as follows:

August – OctoberTerm 1 Fall September- FebruaryTerm 2 Spring February-JuneTerm 3 Internship
Block SeminarRequired Course: Business Policy & Strategy in a Global Environment
+ Elective Courses
+ Business Communication Skill Seminar
Required Course: Global Management Practices
+ Business Project
+ Responsible Global Leadership Seminar
+ Elective Courses
+ Skill Seminar(s)
International Internship (min. 8 weeks)

Ongoing Language Testing (September and April)

The CEMS MIM Program conducted in cooperation with academy and multinational companies. In Koç University Graduate School of Business several

CEMS MIM Exclusive Elective Courses are delivered by international companies.
CEMS Master’s in International Management (MIM) Independent Studies, Required Courses and Elective Courses are listed below. The students are expected to complete at least 24 ECTS credits which are equal to 12 Koç University Credits.

Procedures for Auditing CEMS Courses

A student who wishes to audit a course without earning the credit, he or she would need to obtain special permission from the individual professor. The professor would specify requirements/expectations for auditing the course.

MGMT 508 Cross-Cultural Management

This course aims at developing awareness and skills to effectively manage cross-cultural business encounters. The topics will include competency development for global managers, expatriate management, leadership and human resource management in cross-cultural context, diversity management, conflict and negotiation across cultures and business ethics. These topics will be discussed in relation to workforce management, project management, consumer behavior, and strategy development and implementation.

PROJ 501 Business Project

Business Project is a term project, conducted individually by the student, under the guidance of the advisor in faculty and in corporate partner. Students are expected to spend one day of their weekly assignments in the company in which they conduct their business project.

MGMT 510 (S/U) Skills Seminar

The main tracks of the Skill Seminars: developing managerial Skills, developing communication skills, career planning, career sessions, guest speaker series. Students are required to participate in a minimum number of activities to be able to get an S grade. In addition to the mandatory activities, students can choose from among a set of workshops and guest speakers in order to fulfill the requirements.
(Grade: Satisfactory – Unsatisfactory). Skill seminars will take place each Friday afternoon and if needed on Saturdays.

PROJ 500 (Needs to be completed before graduation) Project

Exclusive to Home Students
Students need to complete one individual term project in one MIM elective during the year. This fulfills the requirement for a noncredit (S/U) course (PROJ 500). Please designate one elective course in which you will prepare an INDIVIDUAL project. All your professors have been requested to accomodate individual term project requests from students. (Grade: Satisfactory – Unsatisfactory).
(Grade: Satisfactory – Unsatisfactory). Skill seminars will take place each Friday afternoon and if needed on Saturdays.

KOÇ MIM Sustainable
Design Workshop